Where to Start

Recently I made the trip to attend a baby shower.  One by one each woman filtered through the doors of a house you instantly recognized as a happy home filled with rich family memories. We were all greeted with the same joy and kindness that you could imagine the children of this home had experienced growing up.  Eventually, we gathered around one of these children to celebrate the new infant being added to the family line.  As we gathered around to open gifts and verbally adore the bright colored clothing and animal shaped miniature essentials, I could not help but wonder how this new mother arrived at what seemed such a happy moment.  

It would make sense for a child that grew up in such a positive home to of course embrace her own new family with a sense of delight and pride.  Yet, this was not this young woman’s story.  This new child to be born almost did not make it to its eighth month.  Through a traumatic painful situation of no consent, the young woman was faced with unanswerable questions, unforeseen transition, and undeniable adversity. As she remained silent to those around her she secretly faced the deep fear internally by considering ending the life inside her.

Only moments of pondering had past when I was alerted back to the baby shower by the passionate voice of a mother bestowing a blessing upon her pregnant daughter.  In that tender moment the mother spoke words that provoke action within my own heart.  Placing her hands on her daughter’s stomach she delicately and still demonstratively spoke the works, “I am so glad that we all get to be here to celebrate that you chose life”. 

That answered my question.  That is how this young woman found herself eight months along in a pregnancy that she once desired to end.  She chose life.  The concept is simple and yet I find it meaningful and purposeful in the application of more than just the presence of a newborn.  After all, is this not where we all find ourselves; at the intersection of choosing the road leading to secrets, fear, shame, and familiarity or choosing the road to a new life. 

Choosing life can look different and come in so many forms.  For some it might be choosing to walk away from a toxic relationship. For some it might be choosing to take a risk and open their heart to receive love.  It might be the choice that leads to a gym membership or going back to school.  For that matter, it might be the choice to leave school or that job that keeps you hidden behind facing your true fear.  Life looks different for everyone and therefore choosing life looks different alongside it.  However, one commonality remains.  Choosing life does indeed start with a choice.

There is no way we can have a guarantee of what will happen when we choose this path. The path to life might be just as scary and treacherous as the one we have already been traveling. In addition to this truth, it is indeed also possible that we might just find that there are others being inspired by our choice to embrace the transition, uncertainty, and possible adversity.  We might just find that we get to celebrate the true victory that comes with every step along the path and ultimately celebrate the fresh perspective of our own new life. How will we know what this life can look like if we never make the choice to find out?  


From Broken to Whole